Magda Buczek

Thank you, 2022
used Scandinavian carpet with hanprinted text

The title of the work comes from a popular 90s pop song ‘Thank You’ by Canadian artist, Alanis Morisette, singing about her understanding of gratitude, the text is presenting the Anglo-Saxon point of view. Here, the lyrics have been handpainted onto the carpet with organic ingredients, representative of the three biggest migrant communities living in Denmark: sumac (Turks), beetroot (Poles) and bharat (Syrians). Those dyes are strong colorants, easily staining and difficult to get rid of from any surface.

The piece was exhibited on a group shpw TAK TAK at VLP gallery in Copenhagen (the upper photo is the exhibition view, photo by Morza Studio)

The piece was shown also at Super Dakota, Brussels, in June 2022, in the main vitrine.

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